The CEMBO consortium is coordinated by a group from the Comenius University in Bratislava (CU), Slovakia, with a vast experience in the study of molecular and physiological properties of resistant microbial biofilms. Additionally, CU has worked on the design of anti-biofilm strategies though the development of new nanomaterials based on clay mineral particles and antimicrobial agents including those with photoactive properties that were characterized in detail using physico-chemical approach. Such materials can be used in clinical practice as well as other technologies. This expertise resulted so far in several papers and publications in respected journals. The fundament for excellence of CU is set, but its full potential waits for being developed.

The main vision: strengthen the position of the Comenius University in Bratislava (CU) in the research field of Microbiology by linking it with two of the world’s recognized and excellent centers - the Amsterdam University Medical Centre (UMC), location Academic Medical Center (AMC) at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CHAR), Germany.


Participants of the project:

Comenius University in Bratislava (coordinating organization, CU)

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University Medical Center at the University of Amsterdam (partner, AMC)

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Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (partner, CHAR)

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